Were giving away over $3000 in cash and prizes for the first annual Carifest Showcase. This contest is open to all Caribbean singers performing any and all traditional Caribbean Music genres, eg. Reggae, Calypso, Soca, Zouk, etc.
Judging Criteria: Total 100pts/judge/song
1. Stage Presence – 20pts
2. Vocal Ability – 30pts
3. Melody - 20pts
4. Crowd Response - 30pts
Contestants must perform two (2) songs
First Place: $1000
Second Place: $500

Carnival constumes will also be judged on the night. Again, open to all ages with a size restriction on the costumes. Costumes MUST BE NO LARGER than 7'x7' .
Male and Female costume criteria:
1 Poise / Portrayal (20 points)
2 Creativity / Visual Impact (Design & Colors) (30 points)
3 Mobility / Agility (25 points)
4 Originality (Theme) (25 points)
Totaling 100 points
1st Prize $1000
2nd Prize $500
Join us and make your claim for best individual and band of the year for 2010!
Deadline for Registration is: MAY 15th 2010
Submit mp3s and/or Youtube links to showcase@carifestcalgary.com or call 403-774-1300 for further details.
The competition will be held at Theatre Junction GRAND. (608 1 St SW, Calgary AB) The show starts at 8:00pm, Friday Jun 11th 2010.